Medical Services

Kidney Failure Treatment

Service Type

Living with kidney failure, also called end-stage renal disease, is hard. It means 85-90% of your kidney function is gone. You’re dealing with a lot of difficult symptoms from toxins building up in your blood — weakness, shortness of breath, swelling, nausea, and trouble thinking. And you have to choose between complex treatment options.

At UVA Health, we’re here with you every step of the way. We'll help you stay as healthy as possible and find the best treatment.

Clinical Practice Terms

High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy

Service Type

Brachytherapy has been shown to effectively treat low, intermediate, and high-risk prostate cancers.

At UVA, we offer the most precise form of high-dose radiation therapy available: high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDRB) with ultrasound image guidance. We’re one of just a few hospitals in the country offering this advanced approach.

The three-pronged method to deliver high-dose rate radiation therapy with focused, rectal-sparing treatment includes:

Clinical Practice Terms

Hearing & Balance

Service Type

Disorders of the ear can affect hearing & balance . Some ear disorders cause slow changes over time in your ability to hear or keep your balance, while other disorders cause sudden symptoms such as hearing loss, dizziness, ringing, or pain. Hearing loss and balance problems can affect your ability to connect with the world and participate in social activities.

At UVA, our goal is to help you gain a clear idea of how your ears work so that you can understand your symptoms and how we can help.

Clinical Practice Terms

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Service Type

The human face is essential to our social interactions. Injury, disease, birth defects, and aging can damage your appearance, behavior, and sense of self.

At UVA, our facial plastic surgery team has earned a reputation for its compassionate expertise. That’s why we see patients from around the world. Our care goes beyond simple repair. We aim to restore your normal sense of self.

Why Do People Need Facial Plastic Surgery?

People need reconstructive surgery of the face, head, and neck, due to:

Clinical Practice Terms

Facial Paralysis Treatment

Service Type

Bell’s palsy, injury, stroke, tumors, or infection can stop the nerves and muscles in your face from working. Or, you may have struggled to move one or both sides of your face since birth. Facial paralysis affects how you talk, chew, close your eyes, and smile.

Whatever the cause, facial paralysis has a big impact on your life, physically, emotionally, and socially. Facial reanimation procedures can treat your facial paralysis. We can help you regain the function, symmetry, and expression in your face.

Clinical Practice Terms

Scar Repair and Revision

Service Type

When you have a scar on your face, you can't hide it. Having a scar repair and revision procedure to lessen a scar’s appearance can help you regain confidence.

We first address an unwanted scar by analyzing the reasons it may stand out:

Clinical Practice Terms

Facial Reconstruction

Service Type

When it comes to facial reconstruction surgery to heal and correct the skin and bones around your nose, throat and ears, you want the best. Whether due to genetic factors, skin cancer treatment or traumatic injury, damage to your facial features can make you feel very vulnerable.

About 50 years ago, most patients would have skin cancers removed and then told to let their face heal on its own. Today, we know that how you look can affect your quality of life and your overall wellness. 

Clinical Practice Terms

Sinus & Nasal Disorders

Service Type

Sinus headache. Sinus infection. Nasal obstructions. These problems can get worse with time and seem like they're never going away. At UVA, our specially trained providers focus solely on sinus & nasal disorders . Focusing on this part of the body gives them a unique perspective and unparalleled experience when dealing with nasal and sinus conditions.

These nationally recognized leaders in the field of nasal and sinus disorders (rhinology) continually conduct cutting-edge research. This means they can offer you access to the latest, state-of-the-art medical care.

Clinical Practice Terms

Nasal Polyp Treatments

Service Type

Nasal polyps are small, non-cancerous, grape-like growths in your nose and sinuses resulting from chronic inflammation. Small nasal polyps may not cause any symptoms at first. Larger polyps may block airflow, making it difficult to breathe through your nose. Polyps can also cause:

Clinical Practice Terms