Support Services

What Are Clinical Trials? An Introduction

Service Type

Clinical trials give you, the patient, a chance to try a new treatment. By taking part in a trial, you also help us develop new and better ways to treat and care for others around the world. We can also develop methods to prevent disease and manage symptoms.

You may be looking for clinical trial information because:

Tobacco Treatment

Service Type

Many people who use vape, smoke, or chew tobacco want to quit. They try patches, gum, going cold turkey, but nothing sticks. No matter how many times you've tried to quit and failed, there's hope. Our personalized tobacco treatment program can work for you. 

A Tobacco Treatment Based on Science 

You're on your own individual journey. We’ll tailor a plan to meet your needs. 

Our program offers both:

Pay a Bill for Visits Before July 1, 2017

Service Type

For visits before July 1, 2017, you may receive two bills:

  1. One from the Medical Center
  2. One from the UVA Physicians Group 

Medical Center Billing Before July 1, 2017

Medical Center bills include services like lab work, X-rays or surgery.

You can:

University of Virginia Medical Center
P.O. Box 530272
Atlanta, GA 30353-0272 

Cancer Peer Support Program: Know You're Not Alone

Service Type

Sometimes, the best support comes from people who have been there. They understand what it's like to get a cancer diagnosis. Knowing you're not alone can truly help.

The Cancer Center Peer Support Program gives patients and caregivers a source of authentic support. You'll talk to someone one-on-one who can relate to your experience.

Peer partners can't offer medical advice. But they've had cancer or supported someone with cancer themselves. They can share their own experiences and offer encouragement and insight to help you cope.

This program is:

Mission & Goals

Service Type

The Diversity and Community Engagement Office offers a range of opportunities, resources, and events for patients and families.

To support UVA Health teams, we guide efforts to ensure an inclusive and respectful learning, training, and working environment.

Within the greater Charlottesville region, we aim to improve community health and well being by addressing social determinants of health. This work will reduce the health disparities amongst those at risk or underserved.

Billing & Support Resources for LGBTQ Patients

Service Type

If you're lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, or queer, odds are, you've faced barriers to healthcare. At UVA Health, we're committed to removing barriers and helping you thrive. Our resources for LGBTQ+ patients offer a wide spectrum of support.

Paying for Gender Health Services

One barrier you may face is cost.

Money shouldn't get in the way of you getting the care you need. But dealing with insurance and costs can feel overwhelming.

We're here to help. Our billing specialists can:

How-to Instructions for Virtual Visits by Video

Service Type

Starting July 13, we're switching to a new system for virtual visits (appointments with a UVA Health provider by video or phone). This new system is more convenient as you don't need a MyChart account to have an appointment.

Follow these instructions to prepare for your video visit.

Virtual Visits: FAQs

Service Type

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about virtual visits (appointments by video or phone call) at UVA Health.

General FAQs

What is a virtual visit?

A virtual visit is an appointment that happens through either:

  • Video (online using your computer, tablet, or smartphone)
  • Phone call

This visit can be with a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, physical therapist, or other clinicians.

የገንዘብ እርዳታ ፖሊሲ Financial Aid Policy, Amharic (Ethiopia)

Service Type

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UVACH Inc. ቦርድ


ይህ የUVA Community Health (UVACH) ፖሊሲ ሲሆን፣ ይኽም አስፈላጊ የጤና ክብካቤን ለሁሉም ለማዳረስ፣ UVA Health Culpeper Medical Center (CPMC)፣ UVA Health Haymarket Medical Center (HAMC)፣ UVA Health Prince William Medical Center (PWMC)፣ UVACH Medical Group

CareCuts: Free Salon Styling

Service Type

Losing your hair can be a challenging part of the cancer journey. To help you look and feel your best during and after treatment, we offer free salon services through our CareCuts program.

Salon Styling for Cancer Patients

Professional stylists will provide you with:

  • Head shaving, when you begin to lose your hair
  • Wig styling and trim
  • First hair cut, when you begin to grow your hair back

Book an Appointment with a Professional Stylist

Stylists are available for 1-hour sessions.