Support Services

Telemedicine: Telehealth Services

Virtual medicine. Telemedicine. Telehealth. Online healthcare. What does it all mean? When you can’t make it to the experts, we bring them to you. The UVA Karen S. Rheuban Center for Telehealth has over 20 years of experience making healthcare connections betweens specialists and patients throughout Virginia, the region and beyond. Why Choose a Telemedicine Appointment Telemedicine saves time and money as well as lives. Staying close to home, you can:

Transplant Quality & Safety

Service Type

At UVA Transplant Center, delivering the highest-quality and safest healthcare to our patients is our top priority. Achieving our goals for safety and excellence means working continuously to improve the care we provide.

We believe you should have access to information about our quality and safety to help you make an informed decision about where to seek care. When choosing a transplant team, we encourage you to ask questions about the quality of care they provide.

Financial Assistance Policy

Service Type

Patient Financial Services

PFS Policy and Procedure No.: MCP-0340

Governmental, Financial, and Charity Assistance Programs

Effective date: December 12, 2021

Dialysis Patient Support


When you're on dialysis, everyday things can get hard. Both the schedule and the therapy can tax your body, mind and spirit. 

Ask your family, friends and others to help. Here at UVA, we've got a team in place to help you when you need it most.

Cancer Survivor: Ongoing Support & Services

Service Type

Finishing cancer treatment can bring both relief and uncertainty. We know the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial challenges that cancer and treatment can cause. As a cancer survivor, you have our ongoing support. We're here to help you thrive.

Facing Your Future

Surviving cancer can bring huge relief. But you might face some new challenges with:

Cancer Survivors FAQs

Service Type

What is a cancer survivor?

You might expect that after treatment, you’ll feel totally back to your old self. But the end of cancer treatment can bring about a mix of feelings. You might feel relief, but you could also experience nervousness, fear, depression or abandonment.

Physically, emotionally and medically, cancer survivors often want special care that takes their cancer experience into account.