Finishing cancer treatment can bring both relief and uncertainty. We know the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial challenges that cancer and treatment can cause. As a cancer survivor, you have our ongoing support. We're here to help you thrive.
Facing Your Future
Surviving cancer can bring huge relief. But you might face some new challenges with:
- Anxiety and depression
- Body image
- Stress management
- Relationships
- Returning to work
We can help you find ways to work through the issues you face. You'll get medical care that accounts for your cancer journey. We also offer yoga therapy, instruction in mind-body practices, acupuncture, and massage services.
Read our FAQs for cancer survivors. Learn more about our integrative care services.
Ongoing Cancer Center Support
As a cancer survivor, you still have access to our support services. You can attend workshops and exercise classes. Find nutrition help, counseling, spiritual support, financial help, physical therapy, and lymphedema therapy.
See all cancer support services.
Become a Peer Support Volunteer
The Cancer Peer Support Program gives you a chance to help someone else with cancer. We connect you to someone going through challenges similar to your experience.
To provide peer support, you must:
- Be a cancer survivor of 1 year
- Feel emotionally ready to share your cancer experience
- Register with Volunteer Services
- Attend virtual training
We also welcome caregivers to participate.
Want to Give or Receive Peer Support?
Fill out the peer support interest form. Questions? Email us.
Guides & Tips
See guides and tips for healthy living after cancer from:
- American Institute for Cancer Research
- Centers for Disease Control
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network (look under Supportive Care section)