Support Services

Find Counseling

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Cancer treatment takes a toll on your body and mind. Get the social and emotional support you need. Our counseling and support services help you navigate through the journey.

Emotional Support Helps You Heal

Stress can hurt your immune system. As you go through treatment, manage your stress. You can:

Manage Stress & Side Effects

Service Type

If you're coping with cancer, we're here to help. Managing the side effects of treatment is difficult. Staying healthy during treatment means rest, exercise, and eating well. Cancer patient self-care helps you heal, from the inside out. 

The Side Effects of Cancer

Cancer itself causes pain and discomfort, like:

Mindfulness Support

Service Type

Mindfulness support for cancer patients can help with symptoms and treatment side effects. Additionally, mindfulness support can help: 

  • Relieve pain and stress
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve your sleep
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Boost memory
  • Give you a sense of control

Cancer Care Coordinators

Service Type

Living with cancer can feel overwhelming. Managing the medical system can get confusing. But you don't have to do it alone. Your cancer care coordinator can help you navigate through your cancer treatment. They're your navigator, guide, educator, and advocate. 

Common Cancer Terms

Service Type

As a cancer patient, you may feel like you have to learn a new language. Medical terms can get confusing. But you need to understand what your cancer team says. Understanding some basic, common cancer terms can help.

This list doesn't cover everything. If you have further questions, visit the Learning Resource Center. There, you can talk to someone and find more answers. 

Nausea From Chemo

Service Type

Nausea from chemo feels terrible. It can come upon you, out of nowhere. Nausea and vomiting are two of the most common side effects of chemo.

Fortunately, you can get medications and alternative therapies that help. And while many blame the chemo drugs cause nausea, your diet plays a role, too. Changing what you eat can help you get rid of this awful side effect.

How Chemo Causes Nausea

Chemo drugs kill cancer cells throughout your body. They also affect normal, healthy cells.

Chemo Brain

Service Type

Coping with chemo brain can be a frustrating and challenging part of cancer treatment. Maybe you can’t remember where you put your keys. Maybe you have trouble concentrating. You could feel like you're thinking a beat slower. Or maybe your mind just feels like it’s filled with fog.

It isn’t all in your head. Up to 75% of cancer patients experience some mental problems during cancer treatment. And 35% of people still have issues after treatment.

Cancer Patient Massage

Service Type

Cancer patient massage can improve your quality of life. You can feel comfort and relief. Massage reduces:

  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Pain

You might find massage helpful both during cancer treatment and as a cancer survivor.

Oncology Massage

Therapists who do cancer patient massage use safe, gentle techniques. They know you may have bone pain or extra sensitivity. Specialized massage accounts for: