What to Expect: Your First Cancer Appointment

Make an Appointment

Once you have an appointment at one of our clinics, your referring doctor’s office will give you information about where to go to for your first cancer appointment.

Preparing For Your First Cancer Appointment

Get Your Scans

If UVA doesn’t have your scans (CT, PET or other imaging), biopsy slides or doctors’ notes that relate to your diagnosis, please have your referring doctor send them to UVA Cancer Center or bring a copy (CD or DVD for imaging and slides for biopsies) with you.

Get Support

Ask a family member or friend to come with you to your appointment to take notes.

Get Ready

Bring a list of questions about what you can expect after your first appointment. Also, be prepared to tell the nurse what allergies you may have, the medications you are currently taking and information about your health history and family health history.

What to Bring

Make sure to bring:

  • Paper and pen to take notes
  • List of questions to ask your healthcare team
  • List of all current medications, dietary supplements (vitamins, herbs) and their doses
  • Imaging and test results supplied by your doctor or forms if your cancer team requests them
  • Contact information for your referring doctor
  • Insurance information/card or Medicare card
  • Assistive devices you need, like canes, walkers, crutches, etc.
  • Calendar to keep track of appointments and treatment schedules
  • Items to help pass time (books, crossword puzzles, computer)
  • Blanket