Support Services

Cancer Center Outreach & Events

Service Type
Our team strives to produce programs and events that raise awareness about cancer prevention and screenings. Attend an upcoming workshop or health fair, or learn about other ways to get engaged with UVA Cancer Center.

Nutrition Support & Resources

Service Type
Eating right: We know how complex it can be. What you eat has emotional and financial impacts and affects family and lifestyle. We work with you to identify your health goals, understanding the social challenges and personal barriers you may face. Through coaching, classes and education, we help you prioritize and implement a realistic plan. Our science-based approach to food can guide you to make lasting behavior changes that improve your weight, stress, blood pressure, glucose levels, digestive health, heart health and hormone-related issues, like diabetes.

Pegasus Ride Along Program

Service Type

The UVA Pegasus "Ufly" Observer Program gives you the chance to fly or ride along with one of our emergency vehicles, air or ground. The program serves to enhance knowledge and foster the team concept for our partners in the Central Virginia region.

Seminars & Events

Service Type
The Seminar Series is designed to offer state-of-the-art knowledge on advances in oncological research and care and facilitate new initiatives in translational and clinical research in oncology at UVA. The seminars are held every Friday, during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year.

UVA Undergraduate Volunteers

Service Type

Onboarding occurs twice a year for UVA student volunteers. These two onboarding options are for the Academic Year (process beginning in August) and for the Summer (process beginning in January).  

UVA Volunteer Services partners with Madison House (a volunteer center for UVA students) for the recruitment, application, scheduling, and training of our UVA undergraduate volunteers. Please see Madison House Medical Services for updated information.

Health Information Management

We conduct activities that support current and continuing patient care, health services, research, patient accounting, case management, legal affairs, administrative affairs and various patient services. Health Information Services takes care of: